Georgia Southern Cheerleading is a demanding, intense, physical activity requiring upper and lower body strength and aerobic conditioning. You must be in athletic physical condition and be height/weight proportionate. We don’t have minimum/maximum height or weight requirements, however you are expected to improve your physical conditioning throughout the year. Women and men are equally eligible to try out. Before trying out, please take the time to familiarize yourself with our guidelines that are provided.
Before a cheerleader may be formally accepted onto either team she/he must pass a sports physical conducted by the University’s Athletic Training Department. This physical is conducted during Summer Term A (June 16, 18).
Women may try out for the Coed, All-Girl, or both squads. However, if you indicate your willingness to be on either squad you must accept the appointment you are given and be willing to be moved if necessary. Clearly, women on the Coed squad are required to be flyers and must be committed to flying in partner stunts and basket tosses, and middle basing and flying in pyramids. Women who try out for the All-Girl squad may try out as a base, flyer, or both, but must be willing to fill the role to which they are assigned.
In general the goal of the tryouts will be to have athletes demonstrate their cheerleading talents.
All candidates are expected to accept the coach’s decision as final and binding.
Tryout Registration Will Open April 17
After reading the requirements on this page, click here to register.
Students currently enrolled at Georgia Southern University AND prospective students (including high school seniors) who have made the commitment to attend Georgia Southern or East Georgia State College are eligible to try out for either squad.
Click here to review our Specific Tumbling & Stunting Requirements.
Cheerleading is a major commitment that requires 20+ hours per week of your time.
Tryout Fee
There is a $40 Tryout Fee. This can be paid via credit card through PayPal. (Please note you do NOT need a PayPal account.)
Learn more about the costs associated with cheerleading here.
Cheerleading is a 20+ hr per week commitment. As such it is a major commitment of non-academic time and at this time we are not able to offer scholarships. Any student with Greek responsibilities, job internships, student teaching, or school/work-related internships should check their schedule closely for conflicts. Married students, students with children, and students with significant part time or full time employment should carefully consider the amount of time it takes to be a Georgia Southern Cheerleader. This is not to discourage you, but to make you aware of our program requirements so you can make the right decision for us and for yourself.
Over the summer we have a number of cheerleading camps as our major fundraiser. In addition, there will be a work weekend in June and July. You are expected to be present at these camps and work weekends unless prior arrangement is made. You will also be responsible for working 3 – 4 home camps that you will sign up for to teach during the summer. You will need to help with other preparations for the coming year including fundraising. Finally, there may be some appearances you will need to work.
From a conditioning perspective you are required to post workouts and meet goals each week. The weekly goals will help you achieve the specific goals you are expected to have met during the summer. Date of formal return and the beginning of practice is the beginning of August. The specific date will be relayed by the head coach. Attendance is mandatory.
Once the semester starts, Coed practices are Monday and Wednesday from approximately 6:00 – 9:00 PM, and Friday in the late afternoon (~4:00 pm). All-Girl practices are Tuesday and Thursday from approximately 6:00 – 9:00 PM, and Friday in the late afternoon (~4:00 pm). Additionally, weight lifting will occur twice a week and will be dependent upon the Strength and Conditioning Staff’s schedule. Cheerleaders should plan to lift weights either early in the morning (6:00 am) or in the evening prior to practice or on off days (5:00 or 6:00pm). Do not schedule classes to begin or end after 5:00 pm Monday – Friday unless you speak to your coaches. Games, pep rallies, and other commitments are scheduled throughout the year on weekdays and weekends. You must be prepared to handle cheerleading responsibilities during holidays including Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Spring Break. Again, attendance is mandatory. Finally, on non practice days you are expected to work on your anaerobic and aerobic physical conditioning.
Cheerleading is a relatively low cost activity where all uniform, travel, and competition costs are covered by the school and by all the fundraising we do. However, there are some out of pocket expenses you will incur. During the summer work weekends may require a hotel room stay (~$120) and meals (~$60). For freshmen living on campus one of the major expenses is moving into housing early. Early move-in costs $25 per day (total ~$350). You may stay with teammates and not incur this cost, but most are very happy that they have had the opportunity to move in and get settled early. Cheerleaders are responsible for buying 2 pairs of shoes. We get a discount with both NFinity and Adidas so 2 pairs costs ~$120. Because we work with children, Georgia Southern is requiring that all cheerleaders have a background check and are trained in recognizing and reporting child molestation.While we will arrange for the check, it will cost each cheerleader somewhere between $25 and ~$60 depending on how many places they have lived. While we will continue to fundraise to reduce this financial burden, a cheerleader should expect expenses of ~$500.
Students currently enrolled at Georgia Southern University AND prospective students (including high school seniors) who have made the commitment to attend Georgia Southern or East Georgia State College are eligible to try out for either squad.
There is a $40 Tryout Fee. This can be paid via credit card through PayPal. (Please note you do not need a PayPal account.)
Specific Tumbling and Stunting Requirements
There are no specific skills required. That is not to say that tumbling or stunting is not important. Simply that there are no specific skills required for you to be eligible to try out. For example, you are not required to do a standing back tuck or Bow and Arrow double down. You should take the tryout opportunity to show us your abilities. If you can do it, show it. The more difficult the skill you can demonstrate, the more credit you will earn in that category. Athletes must be comfortable enough with any skill they attempt to perform following proper USA Cheer guidelines. Attempting a skill you cannot do well or that scares the audience demonstrates undesirable recklessness. While a person could potentially make the squad without skills, they would have to be exceptional in other aspects of their evaluation to make up for what is missing and be willing to learn specific tumbling and partner stunt skills. This past year all women who made the team were able to perform a standing tuck with poms and a roundoff back handspring back tuck on a basketball court. Please remember there are no spring floors in college and all gameday skills are performed on grass or a basketball court.

Cheerleading is a 20+ hr per week commitment. As such it is a major commitment of non-academic time and at this time we are not able to offer scholarships. Any student with Greek responsibilities, job internships, student teaching, or school/work-related internships should check their schedule closely for conflicts. Married students, students with children, and students with significant part time or full time employment should carefully consider the amount of time it takes to be a Georgia Southern Cheerleader. This is not to discourage you, but to make you aware of our program requirements so you can make the right decision for us and for yourself.
Over the summer we have a number of cheerleading camps as our major fundraiser. In addition, there may be a work weekend in June and July. You are expected to be present at these camps and work weekends unless prior arrangement is made. You will also be responsible for working 3 – 4 home camps that you will sign up for to teach during the summer. You will need to help with other preparations for the coming year including fundraising. Finally, there may be some appearances you will need to work.
From a conditioning perspective you are required to post workouts and meet goals each week. The weekly goals will help you achieve the specific goals you are expected to have met during the summer. Date of formal return and the beginning of practice is August 1. Attendance is mandatory.
Once the semester starts, Coed practices are Monday and Wednesday from approximately 6:00 – 9:00 PM, and Friday in the late afternoon (~4:00 pm). All-Girl practices are Tuesday and Thursday from approximately 6:00 – 9:00 PM, and Friday in the late afternoon (~4:00 pm). Additionally, weight lifting will occur twice a week and will be dependent upon the Strength and Conditioning Staff’s schedule. Cheerleaders should plan to lift weights either early in the morning (6:00 am) or in the evening prior to practice or on off days (5:00 or 6:00pm). Do not schedule classes to begin or end after 5:00 pm Monday – Friday unless you speak to your coaches. Games, pep rallies, and other commitments are scheduled throughout the year on weekdays and weekends. You must be prepared to handle cheerleading responsibilities during holidays including Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Spring Break. Again, attendance is mandatory. Finally, on non practice days you are expected to work on your anaerobic and aerobic physical conditioning.
Cheerleading is a relatively low cost activity where all uniform, travel, and competition costs are covered by the school and by all the fundraising we do. However, there are some out of pocket expenses you will incur. During the summer work weekends may require a hotel room stay (~$120) and meals (~$60). For freshmen living on campus one of the major expenses is moving into housing early. Early move-in costs $25 per day (total ~$350). You may stay with teammates and not incur this cost, but most are very happy that they have had the opportunity to move in and get settled early. Cheerleaders are responsible for buying 2 pairs of shoes. We get a discount with both NFinity and Adidas so 2 pairs costs ~$160. Because we work with children, Georgia Southern is requiring that all cheerleaders have a background check and are trained in recognizing and reporting child molestation. While we will arrange for the check, it will cost each cheerleader somewhere between $25 and ~$60 depending on how many places they have lived. While we will continue to fundraise to reduce this financial burden, a cheerleader should expect expenses of ~$500.
There is a standing back tuck in the Fight Song. All women are able to perform a standing tuck with poms and a roundoff back handspring back tuck on a basketball court. Please remember there are no spring floors in college and all gameday skills are performed on grass or a basketball court. You should take the tryout opportunity to show us your abilities. If you can do it, show it. The more difficult the skill you can demonstrate, the more credit you will earn in that category. Athletes must be comfortable enough with any skill they attempt to perform following proper USA Cheer guidelines. Attempting a skill you cannot do well or that scares the audience demonstrates undesirable recklessness.